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DIC 18

Se siguen terminando tareas tanto en exteriores como interiores, las fachadas de los 16 departamentos de Fase I estan practicamente terminadas, los jardines ya tienen pasto y todas las plantas; en le interior se esta detallando caprinteria al mismo tiempo que se da la ultima mano de pintura.

El mayor avance se ven en el estacionamiento techado, donde ya hay 2/3 de la loza terminada y se esta empezando a armar la varilla para el ultimo tramo y poder terminar el techo del estacionamiento en Enero.

Tasks are being completed both at the exterior and interiors of the units, the facades are finished with decorative stone and paint, gardens have grass now and the kids swimming pool is being finished; at the interiors woodwork is finished and last hand of paint is being applied.

Most noticeable progress is at the underground parking lot, where the ceiling is ready in 2/3 of the area while the last stretch is targeted to be done by Jan.


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